Sunday, February 17, 2019

[Trang Ánh Nam] New comment on Trump accuses Jim Acosta of asking a 'very politic....

Ánh Nam Trang has left a new comment on your post "Trump accuses Jim Acosta of asking a 'very politic...":

I'm ex-military and think that the government being shutdown was a great way to highlight the fact that a few people going without pay for awhile is nothing compared to the people murdered annually by illegals. The drug deaths alone are many many thousands.
Dems encourage illegals into America illegally with the promise of-

Sanctuary cities
Free healthcare
Fast-track to citizenship if your baby is born in America
Protection from ICE agents
Free housing (taxpayer funded)
Catch and release program

New York is now offering free healthcare to illegals.

Newsom has said ANYONE wanting to come to California will be welcomed with open arms.

Brown brought in reduced prison sentences so they can't be deported for the federal law that states anyone being incarcerated for 12 months or more is to be deported, Brown made the sentences smaller.

The deaths of people like the police officer recently murdered, the colts linebacker or the Angel family that had their son tortured and then set on fire demand this problem to be fixed. Dems will try and say that Americans kill Americans so why is it not ok if the illegals we encourage into America kill as well? That is their twisted justification for people that are illegally in the country murdering US citizens.


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Posted by Ánh Nam Trang to Trang Ánh Nam at February 17, 2019 at 12:02 AM

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